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Jean-Paul returns to Mexico where Luc is abusing Lilhy and Brian. He intercedes and prevents Luc and his cronies from killing Brian. Back at the hacienda they realize that Lilhy is missing, possibly chasing after Luc.
Review :
Nothing striking about the cover but interestingly enough for the first time in a while Jean-Paul spends most of the story as himself instead of as Azrael. Again Denny manages to use strong storytelling to mask an incomplete story, it will be interesting to see what comes of this. Brian's dialogue remains true to form even with his change in appearance. Roger Robinson's rendition of Lilhy has improved greatly, comparisons with Barry Kitson's work will always be drawn because Barry created her. Jean-Paul used his brain again to solve a problem, something he hasn't been accustomed to, and shows he will continue to think things through, possibly enough to come up with something resembling a plan in future.
Rant :
I definately prefer this version of Lilhy in a tank top, that thing she was wearing in issue #36 didn't do her justice. Lilhy's changes were nothing compared to Luc's, he goes from zero to monsterous sadistic villain, have to hand it to Denny he can make me hate faster than any one. I hate to complain about Demetrious' colouring but how many times did Lilhy's eye colour change, no less than three, that's how many. Interstingly Brian still has that long hair at the back that he had during Barry's run and it looks like he resembles his old self under that beard.