Okay when this site was just halfway through it's overhaul disaster struck in the form of - Redecoration, so the computer was off line a whole week. The site hesn't finished the Revamp but I am within my target of getting it done in two weeks.
I'm going to look upon this column as just that a column. maybe I'll try to change it every six months maybe every four. Mainly it will be about me and my relation ship with the site.
For now I'm gonna thank a few people for being there for the newest site on the block. Ian Mckinnon for all the afternoons spent keeping me company as I geeked out, and providing suggestions for the site. Dennis Khoo for having faith and posting on the Message boards. Keep spreading the word! Mike Rehor for his support and for putting up the only JLA page that deals extensively with the new team and doesn't suck :). I'd also like to Thank Terry, where the hell'd you come from, sign the damn guestbook, and I'd like to thank all those that came before thanks Tim and thanks Steve Caldwell.
Gordon Hope-Murray 15/07/1998